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Association of Florida Evaluators  Membership Forms

Choose the form for the membership level you wish to apply for:

Need to see the differences in the options? Including dues?
View them on our About AFE Members page.


Professional Level Membership Application

To request professional level membership

in the

Association of Florida Evaluators,

begin by completing the form below.
Attaching a photo of your FL teaching certificate or FL psychologist or school psychologist license can speed up the membership approval process.
As an alternate, a photo can be emailed to

For details on the differences between
Basic and Professional level memberships, see our
become a member page.

Step 1: Apply to Join AFE
Professional Membership

This information is for AFE's records only.
After completing this form, you should receive an email with a link. Please check your spam folder if you don't see it.
Your Certificate/License Type
Upload Photo

Our professional members will be listed on our public list of available evaluators.

There is a follow-up form to complete for information to be published.

Have you finished our Home Education Evaluations 101 class

Thank you for your application.
We will review your credentials.

Step 2. Take Class.
If you haven't taken our Home Education Evaluations 101 course, please do so. It's available at

Bear with us as the credential review process may take a week or more.

Step 3. Pay Dues.
If all is well, you will be sent an email with a link to a payment page and password to access it. Check your spam folder if you don't see the email within a week or so

Step 4.
Complete Form to be Added to Our Evaluators List.
An email will include a link to a form to fill out information that will be published of available evaluators.

Basic (Budget) Level Membership Application Step 1

Apply to Join AFE
Basic Membership
Certificate/License Type
Have you finished our Home Education Evaluations 101 class
Upload File

Step 2. Take Class.
If you haven't taken our Home Education Evaluations 101 course, please do so. It's available at

Bear with us as the credential review process may take a few days.

Step 3. Pay Dues.
If all is well, you will be sent an email with a link to a payment page and password to access it. Check your spam folder if you don't see the email within a week or so.

Thank you for your application.
We will review your credentials.

AFE Site Registration

To register to access classes or other programs or to be put on our email list on our website, please take the time to fill out the information below.

The name you list should be the name shown on the certificate earned if you finish a class.

If applying for evaluator membership to the group, listing your name here the same as it appears on your certificate or license will help us locate it.

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